Natural Kapok Cotton Filling Stuffing Pillows



  • Organic Kapok straight from the kapok tree free from chemicals a truly vegan product. Very light weight up to 8 times lighter than cotton, it is ideal for filling pillows, cushions, toys poufs etc.
  • Kapok is a silky, fluffy, resilient fibre from the seed pods of the tropical Ceiba pentandra tree (silk cotton tree) that grows easily without fertiliser or pesticides.
  • The tree is known for its large, cotton-like seeds, which are used to make a variety of products. Kapok fibers are silky, light, and fluffy, they are often used as a filling material for cushions, pillows, and mattresses.The fibers are also used to make insulation, packing materials, and as a substitute for down in outdoor clothing and sleeping bags. Kapok fibers are hypoallergenic and naturally flame-resistant. They are also naturally water-resistant and buoyant, which makes them suitable for use in life jackets, flotation devices, and other water-related equipment.

    Kapok fibers can also be used to make yarn and fabrics for clothing, bags, and other textiles. Kapok oil is also extracted from the seeds and used for various purposes, such as in cosmetics, as a lubricant, and as a source of biofuel.

    The Kapok tree is considered as a sustainable resource, it can grow in poor soil conditions and does not require irrigation, fertilization or pesticides to grow. It is also a fast-growing tree and can be harvested every year.

250kg Bales 500kg Bales


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